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Business Interruption Insurance In The UAE

Protection When You Need it Most

If we’ve learned anything, it’s that you can never take for granted that it will always be “business as usual.” Natural disasters can force your business to close down, disrupting sales and cash flow. Business interruption insurance is designed to protect the company you’ve worked hard to build in the event of a covered event. Business Interruption Insurance is part of our Commercial Insurance policies.

What is Business Interruption Insurance?

Business interruption insurance is insurance coverage that replaces any business income lost due to closure or decreased operations resulting from a disaster. Whether you need to close due to a fire or electrical storm, you can rest assured knowing that your business protection insurance will cover your bills and employees during an unexpected closure. A business interruption policy can protect your company from financial losses associated with unknown risks.

Business Interruption Insurance

What does Business Interruption Insurance Cover?

Sometimes called business income coverage, business interruption insurance helps protect your business against lost income after a covered peril affects your business, including property damage. This coverage typically covers fire, theft, falling objects, and lightening, etc. While the current global pandemic is not currently covered in basic business interruption, you can purchase pandemic insurance as an extension of your plan.

Most business interruption insurance policies cover the following items:

  • Lost profitscoverage will provide reimbursement for profits that would have been earned had the unfortunate event not occurred (based on prior months’ performance).
  • Fixed costsdue to reduced or interrupted business, such as operating expenses and other costs incurred for doing business.
  • Temporary locationin the event that your physical location is left unusable, some policies cover the costs associated with moving to and operating from a temporary business location.
  • Damaged property costscoverage may help to replace any equipment or machinery damaged during the covered event.
  • Commission and training costs: in the wake of a disaster, your company may need to replace machinery and retrain personnel on how to use the new machinery. 
  • Extra expensescoverage may provide reimbursement for reasonable expenses (beyond the fixed costs) that allow the business to continue operating while the business gets back to its pre-disaster operations.
  • Employee wagesbusiness interruption insurance covers employees’ wages to help you retain your staff during your closure.
  • Taxes: businesses are still required to pay taxes, even when disaster hits. Tax coverage will ensure a business can pay taxes on time and avoid penalties.
  • Loan payments: loan payments are due monthly and insurance can help your company make those payments even when you are not generating income.

Business Interruption Insurance Exclusions

Business interruption insurance does not cover everything. Common policy exclusions include:

  • Undocumented income – Coverage is based on previously documented income, so be sure to document all of your income.
  • Utilities – During closures, utilities are typically turned off and they are not covered unless your business moves to a temporary location. 
  • Partial closure losses – Coverage does not go into effect unless your business is completely interrupted. 
  • Losses from closures not caused by covered events – Typically closure due to earthquakes, flood, and pandemics are not covered under business interruption insurance. They require their own policy.
  • Closures due to power outages – Power outages are common and usually restored quickly. Most closures caused by storms and power outages are not covered under business interruption policies.

How Much Coverage Do I Need?

Business interruption insurance typically has a coverage limit. This limit established the maximum amount your insurer will pay toward a covered claim. Any financial loss that exceeds your coverage limit is the responsibility of the policy holder. Working with your insurance professional, you’ll determine the exact amount of coverage needed to protect your business.

Your coverage limits will take the following into consideration:

  • Approximately how long would it take to get your business back up and running after a disaster?
  • If you rent your office space, how well protected is the building?
  • Are the building fire alarms and sprinkler systems functional?
  • How quickly would it take for you to find a suitable temporary location?
  • What are your daily operating and employee wages?
  • What is the value of your equipment and machinery?

Benefits of Business Interruption Insurance In The UAE

Continuity is critical in business and there are a few things more important than continuous revenue and cash flow, particularly for small to medium-sized organizations (SMEs). As little as one brief business interruption could make or break many SMEs. There are many benefits to purchasing business interruption insurance, including:

  • Lost revenuebusiness interruption insurance provides coverage for income your business would have earned during a closure period if it had been operating normally.
  • Life insurance for employeesensures that the family of your employee gets paid a lump sum amount in the event of death while working for your company. 
  • Rent or lease paymentsallow you to continue to pay your rent or lease payments even if your premises are unusable during your closure.
  • Daily operations protection provides funds to pay for daily operations of your business while it is closed, such as utility bills and employee salaries.
  • Loan protection: provides coverage for business loans and credit facilities if your business is forced to close due to a covered event (i.e. a fire).
  • Relocationbusiness interruption insurance can provide finds in the event you need to relocate your business in order to remain open.
Business Interruption Insurance

How Much Does Business Interruption Insurance Cost?

The price of your business interruption insurance can vary depending on a variety of factors. For example, if your business is in an area more prone to natural disasters, such as hurricanes or tornadoes. It also depends on your industry. For example, if your business is a restaurant you may be more prone to fires than if your business is in real estate.

The cost of your policy will vary based on the following factors:

  • Industry
  • Amount of coverage
  • Number of employees
  • Prior claims experience (if you’ve had to file any previous claims)

How Does a Business Obtain Business Interruption Insurance?

An add-on to your current property insurance, business interruption insurance is designed to replace any business income lost during an unexpected closure resulting from a natural disaster. This additional coverage helps you to rest assured knowing that your business protection insurance will cover your bills and employees during an unexpected closure. Business interruption insurance can be added to your business protection coverage.

Reducing Loss After Business Interruption

Understanding how business interruption coverage will protect your business can help you be more prepared in the event of an unforeseen natural disaster. At Petra, our team of insurance professionals is here to help you protect your interests – both personal and professional. 

Other Commercial insurance policies

Medical Malpractice Insurance

This insurance will provide protection against third party claims for medical malpractices that occur covering the cost associated with it.


Business insurance is coverage that protects businesses against losses that may occur during the normal course of business.

Employee Benefits Through Insurance

Employee benefits through insurance have become a crucial aspect of the modern workplace, playing a significant role in attracting and retaining top talent.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional indemnity insurance, also called professional negligence insurance, is coverage for small businesses that protects against claims from their clients.

Marine & Aviation Insurance

Marine cargo insurance covers the goods, property and/or merchandise carried by a ship or aircraft.

Cyber Ransom Insurance

Cyber ransom insurance is designed to protect your business in the event of a ransomware attack.


This is taken out by a business to compensate for any financial losses that would arise from a death or injury of an important person.

Workmen’s Compensation Insurance

It provides coverage for your valued employees in the event they fall sick, get injured or lose their life during employment.

Business Protection Insurance

Hazards that can threaten your company in the future are diverse and very much unpredictable. you need to hedge yourself from all these risks.


Credit insurance is an insurance policy purchased with the intention of protecting a business against commercial and/or political risk that is beyond the control of your company.

Income Protection Insurance For Empolyees

Loss of income in the event of a disability, illness, or death can cause significant personal and economic hardships for employees & their families.

Commercial Property Insurance

We provide a tailored strategy to guard against calamities like fire happening to your assets like buildings, supplies, and warehouse stock.

Contractor All Risk Insurance

Contractor All Risk Insurance is part of our to cover against contracts and construction risks.

Corporate & Business Health Insurance

Corporate & Business Health Insurance serves not only as a mandatory legal requirement but also as a strategic benefit that businesses offer to their employees.


Whether you own a taxi company, car rental service, or delivery service, if your business relies on multiple vehicles fleet insurance is required.

Professional Indemnity insurance

The cost involved in health care today is extremely high and continuously increasing.


Strata insurance provides the peace of mind that comes with knowing your strata property is covered in the event of damage to common areas.

Compare insurance quotes and find a policy today.

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